First Spin Class
I did my first spin class this evening. Fuck man. The following is the result:
Now, in my family we don't just gain nice rosy cheeks. Oh, no! We like to take it up to 11. We like to make sure the world knows we're exercising, or blushing, or whatever the hell is making us turn red.
FACT: Charlotte goes red too fucking easily.
On to the spin class part: it went pretty well. During the first half I struggled, but once passing the half way mark I settled into it and could cope with my imminent death of cycling. I pushed myself, but didn't go over the top- it was my first gym class and first time using a gym in over 6 years after all. If people were standing up and I couldn't hack it, I'd stay seated, pedalling all the while. I know I am gonna fecking hurt tomorrow and probably not be able to walk on stage for my graduation on Wednesday, but future me will (hopefully) thank me.
Overall, I'd recommend a good ole spinaroo. As my spin-experienced accompanying friend told me: you look forward to it, you want to die during it, you feel better for it afterwards. I agree, although I think once a week might be enough for me.
On to yoga on Friday!
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