
Showing posts from November, 2017

Slow Cooked Adventures with Charlotte

Now, if you know me, you know I love a slow cooked meal. Gosh darn it, it's one of life's joys. Imagine this: you've spent a long, hard day at work and you travel home. You put the key in the lock, turn, and push the door open. Your senses are bombarded with the welcoming smell of slow-cooked food, ready for the taking. Smells glorious, doesn't it? I specialise in two slow-cooked meals: sausage, potatoes and veg, and bolognese, with the latter being a more recent discovery. It never dawned on me to make bolognese in a slow cooker. What a revelation! I'm yet to perfect my recipe, but I wanted to share my discovery because HOT DAMN it's good! WHAT YOU MAY WANT TO USE BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO BECAUSE THIS ISN'T AN ACTUAL RECIPE: - Slow cooker - Mince (I opt for 250g of beef) - Veg (Just went for mushrooms because of my tiny cooker) - Passata (I find 500g is enough the amount I cook) - Tomato Puree - 1 vegetable stock cube - Mixed h

Body Update!

I've been going back and forth on whether to write this post. It's not because I don't want to share it, I just want to create a new post and don't have a damn clue what to write it on! But now is as good a time as any to post this.  As we know, I started this blog with the main intention being to encourage myself to look after me by eating healthier and going to the gym. Eating healthier has definitely been going well, despite my eating habits today *pushes 5 Galaxy Ripple packets under the bed* (Edit: I ate two more after posting this. I'm a mess, alright?! Leave me alone). Although the fridge is being a dick and freezing my cucumber and peppers meaning they then go soggy. CHANGE THE SETTINGS ON THE FRIDGE, I hear you cry, but alas, I shan't. I feel like I'm enough of a hassle in this shared house at the moment without throwing another spanner into the works. Following on from that, my mind set hasn't been great. I am not a hassle within this

Happy Halloween!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post and I can thank October for that. It's been one hell of a busy month, what with conventions and seeing friends, but I've managed to fit in a fair few spooky things within the month. So, on this day of All Hallows' Eve, I shall recount my spooktastic adventures. October opened up with my week at Disneyland Paris. Safe to say that was a spooktacular experience (okay, I'll stop with the spook now) and I had so much fun! The parades, the decorations, the costumes, everything was in the spirit of Halloween! And it gave us a chance to dress according to the season, as you can read in the previous blog post.  There was Halloween treats, villains, and just general fun scariness.  Did anyone see the red sky over England in October? Apparently caused by the nearby Hurricane Ophelia. What can we say, Ophelia's always causing trouble. She brought over the dust and god knows what from the S