Happy Halloween!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post and I can thank October for that. It's been one hell of a busy month, what with conventions and seeing friends, but I've managed to fit in a fair few spooky things within the month. So, on this day of All Hallows' Eve, I shall recount my spooktastic adventures.

October opened up with my week at Disneyland Paris. Safe to say that was a spooktacular experience (okay, I'll stop with the spook now) and I had so much fun! The parades, the decorations, the costumes, everything was in the spirit of Halloween! And it gave us a chance to dress according to the season, as you can read in the previous blog post. 

There was Halloween treats, villains, and just general fun scariness. 

Did anyone see the red sky over England in October? Apparently caused by the nearby Hurricane Ophelia. What can we say, Ophelia's always causing trouble. She brought over the dust and god knows what from the Sahara and blew it around for a bit, creating a beautiful yet terrifying yellow tint to the world. Crazy. Why wouldn't I include this on my list of Halloween doings during October? One moment me and my friend were in a shop and the sky was fine, next thing we know, we stepped out and it was yellow. We were headed towards the viewing platform at the Tate Modern anyway where we got to to the yellow sky stretch for miles.

A couple of my friends visited from America and with one friend I embarked on a mysterious ghost tour of London conducted entirely on a bus (https://www.theghostbustours.com/london/). My friend found it and so we did it. I didn't know what to expect, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was factual, fun, and just damn right spooky (I'm never stopping the spooks)! If you don't have a sense of humour, then please don't go. It is daft and in no way serious (apart from the history being recounted to us). We had a blast and really enjoyed it. 

I attended a concert at the Royal Albert Hall called Michael Giacchino at 50 and straight after, a silent disco in the loading bay of said venue. The concert was amazing, totally worth it's own post. I decided to dress semi- formally with a nice little Halloween twist.

I wore my black dress that I wore to my graduation and the Last Night of the Proms, my metallic pink pleather jacket, two black bone rings, red lipstick and a dripping bloody choker. I bought the choker from Sainsbury's for £3 (although I have seen one in Tesco too) and I bloody (lol) love it! I've worn it a couple of times and feel like I might just wear it after Halloween anyway because I love it so much.

Film wise, I've ticked a couple off my list that are "classics" but I just haven't seen before. I stayed at my friends house whilst in London for MCM London and we proceeded to watch Hocus Pocus. Last night/ today I watched Halloweentown, so two classic Disney ones. I didn't expect anything spectacular, just classic cheesy kids films, and that's exactly what I got! I loved them, just perfect for Halloween!

And on this Hallows' Eve, I hear you say, to what are your plans? HA! I'm glad you asked. I will be venturing to a wee house gathering in which merriment shall be executed and all in costume! My costume is as follows...

Bellatrix Lestrange! I had the perfect dress to do this costume and so rolled with it. I wore said black dress, fishnet tights, low heel black boots, black bone rings and I had with me my Bellatrix wand. Makeup wise I just went simple with eyeliner, mascara and a dark berry lip colour. I also drew my own dark mark using eyeliner and setting it with hairspray! Let me tell you, drawing the mark upside down on your own arm is hard, man, but I did it and I'm very proud of it! Hair wise, I left plaits in my wet hair over night to make it go curly/ frizzy, then proceeded to tease/ backcomb it to buggery. I made sure most of my hair was going to one side and volumized it TO THE MAX. I also pinned it down a little. Overall, I good chucked-together costume that I'm pretty proud of! And also a fun night!

Happy Halloween!

(Written on the 31st Oct but posted late cos I'm a fool lol)


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