Body Update!
I've been going back and forth on whether to write this post. It's not because I don't want to share it, I just want to create a new post and don't have a damn clue what to write it on! But now is as good a time as any to post this.
As we know, I started this blog with the main intention being to encourage myself to look after me by eating healthier and going to the gym. Eating healthier has definitely been going well, despite my eating habits today *pushes 5 Galaxy Ripple packets under the bed* (Edit: I ate two more after posting this. I'm a mess, alright?! Leave me alone). Although the fridge is being a dick and freezing my cucumber and peppers meaning they then go soggy. CHANGE THE SETTINGS ON THE FRIDGE, I hear you cry, but alas, I shan't. I feel like I'm enough of a hassle in this shared house at the moment without throwing another spanner into the works.
Following on from that, my mind set hasn't been great. I am not a hassle within this shared house. I'm just regretting not getting a place of my own after attempting to live with people I know. But thoughts of the future creep in and I decide I'd much rather put up with living in this frankly okay house in order for next summer to hopefully be a blast. I think I've got the winter blues. Is that a thing? I'm stressing over money, this house, not talking to my friends as often as I should, scared I'm going to amount to nothing in life, scared that people think I have no ambitions and that I'm doomed to work in this dead-end job. You know, same old thoughts that a lot of millennials have. I know it's just a phase so I'm trying to shut my brain up.
Moving on to my body! The gym has been a no-go recently. October was jam-packed for me and any spare time I had I used to recuperate for whatever my next plan was. I've got out of the habit of going to the gym, and I'm just really not that bothered. However, I did look at myself in the mirror a week or so ago and actually looked at my body. I'm very close to being back to liking it as much as I used to...
The photo on the left is from March 2016. A time when I bloody loved my body. I looked in the mirror on this particular day and was like YAS so took a photo. On the right is what I was saying about from a week or so ago. I came across the picture on the left the other day as I was just perusing my photos. I do what is natural for us as humans and I compare it to myself now, and then I don't feel so great. But I forget that my body has actually changed in 1 year and a half, it's not gonna be the same. I've changed shape since then and that's something that I've had to get used to. I did put on a little more weight than I liked, which is why I kicked myself into being healthier and started going to the gym and I can already notice the changes in myself.
I feel almost attention seeking posting this just like with most of the things I've been doing recently (thanks brain), but I said that I wanted to track my progress, so by golly, that's what I'll do! I shall look back upon this and be like "wow, November 2017 Charlotte was a whiny lil bitch but dayumn that mis-matching underwear looks fine. Also, why didn't she try and tidy her room a little before taking that photo? Messy cow.".
Note to self: Possible news years resolution (depending how the next month and a half goes)- Learn to love your body like you used to. I know you do love it, you're treating it right what with those slow-cooked meals (feckin' YAS QUEEN) but learn to love your new shape more.
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